
User Guide

Spongebob Organiser is an organiser which helps you manage your tasks



There are 3 types of tasks that Spongebob can help you track.

Task Descriptions


  1. List
  2. Add
  3. Complete
  4. Delete
  5. Find
  6. Schedule

Feature 1 - List

Spongebob will show you the list of all existing tasks he is tracking.

Feature 2 - Add

You can add one of the three tasks for Spongebob to help you track.

Feature 3 - Complete

Spongebob will mark this task as completed.

Feature 4 - Delete

Spongebob will stop tracking this task.

Feature 5 - Schedule

Spongebob will show you a list of tasks that is occurring on a specified date.


With reference to Ben’s User Guide

list - View all tasks

Spongebob shows all the tasks that he is tracking.

Format: list

Expected outcome:


todo - Add a new Todo task

Adds a new task to be tracked by Spongebob.


Example of usage: todo Walk Gary

Expected outcome:


deadline - Add a new Deadline task

Adds a new task to be tracked by Spongebob. This task comes with a deadline date.

Format: deadline {TASK_DESRCIPTION} /by {DATE}

Example of usage: deadline Annoy Squidward /by 2020-04-03

Expected outcome:


event - Add a new Event task

Adds a new task to be tracked by Spongebob. This task comes with an upcoming date and time.

Format: event {TASK_DESRCIPTION} /at {DATE} {TIME}

Example of usage: event Buy party supplies /at 2020-04-03 1500

Expected outcome:


done - Mark a task as complete

Spongebob marks this task as completed.

Format: done {INDEX}

Example of usage: done 2

Expected outcome:


delete - Delete a task from list

Spongebob removes a task from the list of tracked tasks.

Format: delete {INDEX}

Example of usage: delete 2

Expected outcome:


find - View all tasks containing a given keyword

Spongebob shows all tasks that contain the given keyword.

Format: find {KEYWORD}

Example of usage: find Gary

Expected outcome:


schedule - View all tasks occurring on a given date

Spongebob shows all tasks that are occurring on the given date

Format: schedule {DATE}

Example of usage: schedule 2020-04-03

Expected outcome:


help - Provides list of available commands

Spongebob shows a list of all available commands

Format: help

Expected outcome:


bye - Exit

Exits Spongebob Organiser

Format: bye

Expected outcome:
